Ad Placement Guide
  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Ad Placement Guide

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Article summary

1. Introduction

This guide provides comprehensive information on the placement of advertisements across different sections of your application. It aims to help you understand where and how to place ads effectively to maximize visibility and user engagement.

2. Ad Placement Locations

App Loading Video

Description: Ads displayed while the app is loading.

Best For: High engagement ads, brand awareness campaigns.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Duration: 5-15 seconds.

  • Skippable after 5 seconds.

  • Ensure the ad is relevant and non-intrusive to maintain a positive user experience.


Description: Ads placed on the main page of the app.

Best For: Promoting new features, events, or external content.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Banner ads at the top or bottom of the homepage.

  • Interstitial ads that appear during natural pauses or transitions.

  • Ensure ads are seamlessly integrated and do not disrupt the user flow.

Game Page

Description: Ads displayed within game pages.

Best For: In-game promotions, special offers, and rewarded ads.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Use rewarded ads that provide in-game currency or bonuses.

  • Place banner ads at the bottom of the game screen to avoid obstructing gameplay.

  • Interstitial ads between game levels or sessions.

VOD Video

Description: Ads shown before, during, or after video-on-demand content.

Best For: Video ads, trailers, and product demonstrations.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Pre-roll ads before the video starts.

  • Mid-roll ads at natural break points in the video.

  • Post-roll ads after the video ends.

  • Keep ad duration concise to maintain viewer interest.

VOD Series

Description: Ads displayed in series-based video-on-demand content.

Best For: Episodic content sponsorships, long-term campaigns.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Consistent placement of ads at the start, middle, and end of each episode.

  • Sponsorship banners or logos during the opening or closing credits.

  • Ensure ads are relevant to the content of the series.

3. Troubleshooting

Addressing common issues with ad placements helps in maintaining a seamless user experience.

Common Issues and Solutions

🔰 Ad Load Failures: Ensure stable network connections and use reliable ad servers.

🔰 Poor Ad Performance: Reevaluate targeting strategies and ad content.

🔰 User Complaints: Address feedback promptly and adjust ad placements as needed

4. Best Practices for Ad Placements

  • User Experience: Prioritize a non-intrusive ad experience to maintain user satisfaction and retention.

  • Relevance: Match ads to the content and context of the page or video to increase engagement.

  • Frequency: Avoid overwhelming users with too many ads; balance visibility with user comfort.

  • Tracking and Optimization: Use analytics to track ad performance and optimize placement strategies accordingly.

  • Compliance: Ensure all ads comply with relevant advertising standards and regulations.

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How can I ensure that ads do not negatively impact user experience?

A1: Use skippable ads, limit the frequency of interstitial ads, and ensure ads are relevant to the user content.

Q2: What types of ads work best for game pages?

A2: Rewarded ads and unobtrusive banner ads work best, providing value to the user while maintaining engagement.

Q3: How can I measure the effectiveness of my ad placements?

A3: Utilize analytics tools to track impressions, click-through rates, and user engagement metrics

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