VLPlayer SDK - Android
  • 22 Aug 2023
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VLPlayer SDK - Android

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Article summary

You can also access this documentation in the ViewLift API Developer Portal.

VLPlayer SDK - Android
(version 2.4.3)

You can integrate the ViewLift Player SDK into your Android mobile application and build your experience around it. The SDK does all of the heavy lifting of playing video and provides basic capabilities for you to programmatically control the player. You can also hook into player events to create custom events or experiences based on those events.

Environment Setup

To get started with Android development, you need to set up your development environment on your desktop. This includes installing the module provided to you into your Android app. After you unzip the file, go to Android Studio, select File > New > Import Module, and select the unzipped folder. This SDK requires that you are using the latest version of Android Studio.  You can download both Android Studio and the Android SDK in a single package from the Android Studio website:


Start a new project

After installing Android Studio on your machine, the next step is to start a new project. Go to File > New > New Project, then select a “Project Template”. This defines the code and UI elements that will be included in your new app when it loads.


Make sure you have:

  • A valid ViewLift Token
  • Valid ViewLift video IDs

To request a ViewLift Token, you’ll need a ViewLift API Key.

If you have created an API key for accessing management APIs it will appear here. If you have not created that yet, you can create it from the SDK Management screen in the Viewlift Tools application. You can generate up to 5 API Keys for your account. 

We will use the API key to identify you as a partner and to determine the range of permissible actions that your app can perform using our APIs.

Get the Player SDK

To download the VLPlayer SDK and sample code for your Android project, follow this link.

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