ViewLift Video Specs & File Naming Best Practices
  • 28 Aug 2023
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ViewLift Video Specs & File Naming Best Practices

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Article summary

Please check if your videos, images, or other creatives have this configuration before ingesting them into the ViewLift CMS, whether through the Tools UI or API: 

Video Specifications

  • Audio: The audio specification requires that videos have AAC 2-channel stereo or dual-mono audio. This means that the audio should have two channels, one for the left speaker and one for the right speaker. Avoid multi-channel.
  • Video Codecs: H.264 | Apple ProRes
  • Export your video in a standard container format. .mp4 and .mov are both good options.
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (preferred, but other ratios are acceptable).
  • Frame Rates: Any frame rate is acceptable.

Best practices for ingesting video files into ViewLift

  • Container: MPEG-4
  • Video Codec: H.264
  • Video Bitrate: Use the source bitrate.
  • Video Resolution: Preferred resolutions are 1920x1080 and 1280x720 at 16:9 aspect ratio. 
  • Audio Codec: AAC
  • Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps or higher.
  • Framerate: Follow the source framerate.
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 is preferred. Avoid letterboxing and pillarboxing if possible.
  • Scan Type: Progressive. This will ensure that your video plays smoothly on all devices.

File naming

  • Remove spaces, special characters, and extra dots from video file names before uploading.
  • Special characters to avoid: !@#$%^&*()+=;:”’{}|[]?/,.><
  • Use dots (.) only to separate the filename and file extension (e.g., .mov or .mp4).
  • Replace spaces or special characters with dashes (-) or underscores (_) between words.
  • Case sensitivity does not matter.

Common mistakes in content file naming

Image/video file names should only contain English characters and numbers. Avoid special characters and other languages to avoid issues as you can see below:

Incorrect video file name
Family trust&6.28.19.mp4
Team A vs. Team
Correct video file name

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