About Template Builder
  • 10 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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About Template Builder

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Article summary

ViewLift's Template Builder is a powerful template engine that can be thought of as a predefined, off-the-shelf configuration to build cross-platform streaming apps and website.

To launch the Template Builder, within AppCMS in the top navigation, click the TEMPLATE tab on the left rail, then click EDIT TEMPLATE.

You will find two main edit paths from here:

Global Settings

The Global Settings section allows you to build the navigation structure for your site and apps. For example, you can create a Home navigation item and point it to the Home page of your site which is created and managed under Pages.


Use the Pages section to create pages/app screens for your site or apps. Each page acts as a container into which you can stack predefined blocks called MODULES. You can edit the module settings or remove a module from the page to suit your use case, without the help of an expert. Dive into the Pages article to learn about various page types.

                          1. Set up your site and app navigation 2. Add & modify pages 3. Search an existing page 4. Add a new modular page

To navigate back to the main page at any time, click on the left arrow next to the Template Builder on the top blue navigation bar.

Global Settings


Legend of Module Types

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