Video Engagement
  • 15 Mar 2024
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Video Engagement

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Article summary

Within Behavior in the left navigation, click the Video Engagement report to view the number of registered and subscribed streaming users, active users, top SVOD plans, ad impression counts, and more.

Video Engagement Overall report Above the dimensions tabs is a quick view of the top streaming platforms and the aggregate of the streaming devices (9,946 as presented in the above example). Use the platform check box filter on top to find the number of Streaming Users by platform, or to see the full report, head over to the Platform tab.

Graph viewHover over the plotted points along the X and Y axes to read the data. 
Tabular viewData is displayed in table rows.
Download buttonDownload the report as an Excel file.


The Overall tab by default displays Streaming Users (Overall) across all platforms for a specified period. 

Streaming Users (Overall)Streaming Users (Overall) include free trial users, subscribers, registered users, and non-registered users.
We identify non-registered users as “anonymous” users with user IDs in the watched table without a correspondent entry in the user table.
Subscribed Streaming Users

Includes all types of subscribed users (Users in completed, deferred_cancellation, paused, and hold).

Registered Streaming Users

Registered streaming users are calculated as the sum of free trial users + subscribed users + registered users.

% of Streaming Users that are Subscribed

The percentage of users who have an active subscription within the total pool of streaming users.

% of Streaming Users that are Registered

The percentage of streaming users who have registered an account on any of your app platforms.

% of Subscribers ActivePercentage of subscribed users that logged in to at least one platform within a date range.

Use the Date/Week/Month presets to get day-wise, weekly, and monthly reports. The Daily active users will also appear in Weekly and Monthly reports.

% of Registered Users ActivePercentage of registered users that actively streamed content over your supported platforms over time.
Plays per Active User

Play Per active user = Number of Plays/Number of active users

If a user has done some activity on the web or app (e.g., watch videos (page click won't be counted)), then the user is considered an Active user.

Play Duration per Active User

Play Duration per active user =  Total Play Duration/(Number of active users x 60)

Ad Requests per Active User (AVOD-only)

An ad request is counted when the player calls an ad tag URL. Google Ad Manager reports an ad request each time a request is sent, even if no ads were returned.

Ad Impressions per Active User (AVOD-only)

Impressions are based on when the ad is called and returns a valid ad.  

The completion rate is determined by the number of ad starts vs ad completes. "Starts" means the ad started playing and "Completes" indicates that the ad has played until the end.

FAQs - Video Engagement

Q. What's the difference between Streaming Users (Overall) and Active Users in the Audience Overview report? 

In Audience > Overview, if a user has done some activity on the web or app (for example, watching a video), then the user is considered an active user, and each user is considered unique for that day. 
In the Video Engagement, we get the unique active users per platform (for that day) who watched the content. The small difference (a slightly higher number in the Video Engagement) occurs when a few users switch between platforms on a given day (for example, a user streamed on both your Apple TV and iOS apps). According to the Video Engagement report, that's a unique user on both the Apple TV app and the iOS app

In the Audience Overview report, the user is counted only once.

Q. Explained: Why Subscribed Streaming Users count is always higher than the number of Subscribed Users. 
The total number of active subscriptions during the period 01-Feb-2021 to 28-Feb-2021 is 3316 as per the Audience > Overview graph. 

The Total Streaming Users in Video Engagement for the same period is 5892.
The number of streaming users who were subscribed for the same period is 4849. 

So, in this case, 1043 non-subscribed users had streamed the data. 

If a user watches a video on Feb 1st and then watches another video on Feb 2nd and another on Feb 5th, it will be considered as 3 streaming users. But if a user watches 3 videos on the same day, then they will be counted as one streaming user. 

If 75 users watched videos on Feb 1st, some of them who watched on Feb 1st might have also watched on Feb 2nd and subsequent days. Every day they watch the videos, they will be added streaming user count for that day. 

So the uniqueness is calculated for each day. That's the reason why subscribed streaming users are higher than subscribed users.

Q. How does ViewLift process our raw data for data analytics?
We fire beacon events at defined time intervals to capture user and player data, including watch history, ad impressions, session history, devices, etc.

Q. What is the difference between total stream duration and total play duration?

Total stream duration: Runtime * Number of plays for that timeframe

Total play duration: Actual time watched (all users combined) for a given period (while we show Total Play Duration at the Top Content level, we do not show the aggregate data in Tools UI).

Q. What fields are used to track Play per Active User and Play Duration per Active User metrics?

Let's take September 13, 2021, and the iOS platform for this explainer.

On September 13, 2021, below is the data for iOS:

  • Number of active users who watched the content on iOS: 1267 (Audience > Overview > Active users report)
  • Number of Registered users who watched the content on iOS: 13
  • Total Play Duration for iOS: 466320 (We do not show this field in the UI. The value for this metric is fetched from the database for demonstrating this example).
  • Number of Plays for iOS: 340 (you can get this data from Top Content > Metrics)
  • Total Video Length: 687931 (This number is also fetched from the database).

In the Video Engagement screen, below is the formula for calculating

Play Per active user = Number of Plays/Number of active users
Play Duration per active user =  Total Play Duration/(Number of active users x 60)

So the calculated values are:

Play Per active user = 340/1267 = 0.3 (Rounded to 1 decimal)
Play Duration per active user =  466320/(1267 x 60) = 6.1 (Rounded to 1 decimal)

In the Top Content screen, below is the formula for calculating

Average Play Duration = Total Play Duration/(Number of Plays x 60)
% Play-Through = (Total Play Duration/(Total Video Length)) x 100

So the calculated values are:

Play Per active user = 466320/(340 x 60) = 22.9 (Rounded to 1 decimal)
% Play-Through = (466320/(687931)) x 100 = 67.8 %

What are "Secondary Metrics"?

Plot graph for a dimension with two metrics at a time for wider reporting. Use the Secondary Metrics list to add a secondary user metric alongside the primary metric for a side-by-side comparison.

Advanced filters

You can use the advanced filter options to filter the dataset by Campaign, Subscription Plan, and Platform.
Note: Clear your filters to reset the reports upon exit.


If you have set up marketing campaigns on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms using UTM codes, that data will show here. Read this interesting blog article from the SEO expert, Niel Patel. 

If the users arrive at your site without a campaign source, it's categorized as direct traffic. Head over to the tabular view or click the Download icon to download the full campaign report.  

Possible error: 
"No records are available!"

If you've created campaigns in the socials, ensure that you are sending campaigns with utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign params. Also, ensure that your Google Analytics and Facebook accounts work together for accurate reporting. The utm_campaign must contain the campaign value you have set in the plan. For more information, see this Google article. These reports do not apply to an AVOD service.

Subscription Plan

The Subscription Plan report gives a performance report of subscription acquisitions across all plans you have created in the Monetization tab over some time. The data points for the Top 5 plans are plotted on a line graph in the Graph view. Head over to the tabular view to view the Subscription Plan report in detail as shown below:

Change up the user metrics to get the corresponding report.


This report details the distribution of viewers across various streaming platforms where you have an app available.


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