Types of Pages
  • 16 Jan 2024
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Types of Pages

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Article summary

The Template Builder engine is the central location for creating your site navigation and pages. 

Page types

Each page is built using a stack of pre-designed and pre-configured components called Modules, each module serving a unique use case for page creation. As a Tools Administrator, you'll be mostly working on the pages set up under the Modular Pages section intended for content curation. ViewLift will set up the remaining page types according to your preferences and requests, so you can easily make any updates or changes later.

Modular Pages

All the pages on which you load your content are Modular Pages. For example, the Home Page and all the primary navigation and sub-navigation pages. Once you've created a modular page, you can add modules that are specifically tailored to curate content, programmatically or manually.

Marketing Pages

ViewLift will initially create the Marketing Pages for you before your apps launch. The View Plans page and Redeem Coupon page are examples of Marketing Pages.

Ancillary Pages

Ancillary Pages constitute the pages that make the footer links for your site and apps such as the About Us, FAQs, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Contact Us pages.

User Pages

User pages will include specialized modules designed to create user pages for registered users. For example, the account settings page, downloads page, history, watchlist, reset password, and so on. 

System Screen Pages

System screen pages will have modules specific to manage system functionality like search screen, subscription flow, device registration, etc. 

Template Pages

Template Pages serve as the framework for designing the output of key page types. It is used to dynamically display video content on a specific page or a group of pages on your site and apps. For example, video detail pages, category pages, bundles pages, user pages, and so on.

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