  • 22 Aug 2023
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Article summary

Version releases for VLPlayer


  • ExoPlayer Library upgrade to latest(2.16.1 to 2.18.0)
  • Added fallback software codec support if hardware codec fails.
  • Potential bug fixes around playback exceptions, autoplay and mute
  • Added logs in case of codec failures.
  • Added following methods
    - setLoop() -> Method to set if you need to set loop for the video to play it again and again.
    - setUseController() -> Method to set if you want to show controller for the video or not.
    - setShowErrorOnPlayer() -> Method to set flag if you want to show error on player in case of playback exception. Default value is true.


  • ExoPlayer Library upgrade to latest(2.11 to 2.16.1)
  • Potential bug fixes
  • Demo Player upgrade
    - Demo player with default SDK controls
    - Demo player with custom controls
    - Demo player with default sdk controls and logs
    - Demo player with custom controls and logs
  • Unit test cases
  • Replaced JCenter repo dependency with MavenCentral


Updated version of following library

  • Retrofit2 "2.9.0"
  • okHttp3Version = "4.9.0"
  • appcompat Version = "1.4.1"
  • material Version = "1.5.0"
  • constraintlayout Version="2.1.3"
  • junit Version="4.13.2"
  • ivsPlayer Version="1.6.0"
  • gson Version="2.8.9"
  • Upgraded target sdk version


Fixes for callback

VLPlayer has three new method implementations.

  • public void setProgressBarSize(int width, int height)
  • public void setProgressBarIcon(Drawable drawable)
  • public void hideError()

  1. ‘setProgressBarIcon’ method will set the icon but it won’t animate. If you need to add animation with an icon , We have given an example of animation/drawable in a demo application.
    If you just need to change the progress bar icon color there in another method in sdk ‘setIconColor’
  2. To disable/activate the viewlift controller on the VLPlayerView class, there is already a method provided ‘’setUseController(boolean useController)’.
  3. ‘videoFinished’ callback method will be called only when the stream is finished. Closing the player won’t trigger this event.

Release notes for Android PIP support implementation

VLPlayer has two new method implementations.

  • public void setActivityInstance(AppCompatActivity activityInstance)
  • public void pipClick()

You need to setActivity instance before calling pipClick otherwise it will throw exception ’IllegalStateException’

Callback method to be implemented in activity or fragment is

-public void onPictureInPictureModeChanged(boolean isInPictureInPictureMode, Configuration newConfig)

isInPictureInPictureMode value will tell you if activity has entered in PIP or exited the PIP mode.

True -> Activity entered in PIP
False -> Activity exited from PIP.

Note: Pip works above Android 8.0 (API level 26)

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