Request a Refund for In-App Purchases on PlayStore & AppStore
  • 24 Nov 2023
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Request a Refund for In-App Purchases on PlayStore & AppStore

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Article summary

ViewLift does not process refunds for in-app purchases. The refund would typically come from the platform. You are advised to inform your users to contact the respective app store or platform directly to request a refund. 

Issue a full refund using the Play Console website

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. On the left menu, select Order management.
  3. Select the orders you’d like to refund.
  4. To find a specific order, search by order ID or a user’s full email address.
  5. To refund multiple orders at the same time, make sure you only select orders made by one user.
  6. Click Refund.
  7. Select the appropriate refund reason.
  8. Click Submit.
    If the Submit button isn’t available, the order has already been refunded.

Issue a full refund using the Play Console app

  1. Open the Play Console app Console app.
  2. Select an app.
  3. Scroll down to the "Latest orders" card, and tap Manage orders.
  4. Select the order you'd like to refund. To find an order, you can search by order ID or the user's full email address.
  5. Under the price, tap Refund.
  6. Select the appropriate refund reason.
  7. Tap Refund.
    If the Refund button isn’t available, the order has already been refunded.

Issue a partial refund using the Play Console website

If you want to refund only part of an in-app purchase, you can issue a partial refund using the Play Console website.

Note: You can’t issue partial refunds for paid apps. Partial refunds are only supported for orders placed after March 2018.

When you issue a partial refund, the percentage of the refund also applies to your payout and service fee amounts. For example, if you issue a partial refund for 50% of an order, 50% of your payout and 50% of the service fee paid to Google is refunded to the user.

To issue partial refunds:

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. On the left menu, select Order management > Order management.
  3. Select the orders you’d like to refund.
  4. To find a specific order, search by order ID or a user’s full email address.
  5. To refund multiple orders at the same time, make sure you only select orders made by one user.
  6. Click Refund.
  7. Find the switch next to Partial refunds. Then, click the switch until it turns blue.
  8. Type a percentage (less than 100%) or pre-tax amount (less than the order total) to refund.
  9. Post-tax refund amounts are generated automatically.
  10. Select the appropriate refund reason.
  11. Click Submit.
    If the Submit button isn’t available, the order has already been refunded.
    You can issue multiple partial refunds for an order, but you can’t refund an amount greater than or equal to the order total.

Reference Link: Manage your app’s orders & issue refunds

It should be noted that issuing a refund in the Google Play Store does not change the entitlement status in ViewLift TOOLS. That would need to be changed by a member of the billing team.

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