Payment Configs
  • 22 Feb 2024
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Payment Configs

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Article summary

To set up payment options for your SVOD or TVOD subscription plans, you must first have to set up your payment configuration. ViewLift offers integration with all the major payment providers such as Stripe, JusPay, PayPal, Amazon Payments, and all in-app payment methods. Interested in integrating your subscription service with a specific payment provider? Please email our support team to initiate the setup.

Payment integration requires some development on both the backend and frontend within your Tools CMS. For backend development, we will need to set up the APIs on our server side and create logic for handling data processing, security, authentication, and so on. On the Tools Frontend, a new payment integration would typically involve creating a new payments section and input fields for capturing user payment information, ensuring proper validation and storage for communication with the backend. 

To explore ViewLift's pre-integrated services, from AppCMS, navigate to Settings > Payment Configs

Payment Providers

ViewLift supports country-specific payment processors in addition to major payment gateways like Stripe.

Stripe integration

Stripe supports a variety of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, digital wallets, and various local payment methods. To set up Stripe on your website, you must create a Stripe account, this is your first step, and as part of your onboarding process, we will assist you in setting up your Stripe account. Then, input the Publish Key, Secret Key, API Key, and Country, as shown in the image below. Toggle on Allow Offers to enable the Offers feature. Enable the Transactional Payment toggle to enable Stripe to accept TVOD purchases.

In the Select platform(s) to enable payments field, add the platforms where you want to enable these payment configurations. Add a platform here only if plans are created in the respective app stores. For example, Apple won't approve a build with Sign-up CTA but has no plans created on the App Store. 

Configure Android IAP in Tools

To configure Google In-App payment method, our Android team might require access to your Google Play Console to set up an IAP payment profile for your app. This will require a new build to be submitted to the Play Store and any app store in general. 

Similarly, Configure the API keys if you want in-app payment integration for Android, iOS, Roku, AmazonIAP, Vizio, etc. The information will be stored in the CMS backend to validate a purchase, generate user billing history, etc. 


Once your PayPal account is set up, integrate with CMS by adding your Client Secret, Client ID, and Country keys, and turn on the Enable Paypal toggle.

Integrate the following payment handlers in the same way: Amazon Payments, CCAvenue, SSL Commerz, JusPay, BKash Payment, etc. Click Show advanced settings and scroll UP to view the additional settings. 

Platform-specific details for CCAvenue payment integration


Server Pages / Framework  & VersionAndroid (Supported Android 5+)
App/Web Server App - Android
PORT SUPPORTED 80, 443 (In FSS 80 & 443 are mandatory)
TLS version TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3
Operating system & Bitmac1.metal


Apple does not allow third-party payment gateways in the App Store, so you cannot use CCAAvenue to process payments for your iOS app. The only way to process payments in the App Store is through in-app purchases.


Server Pages / Framework  & VersionReactJS & 18.2.0
App/Web Server WEB
TLS versionTLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3
Operating system & Bit Amazon Linux2
SSL (YES/NO ) Yes (on Load Balancer), AWS ACM

TIMWE integration

TIMWE provides payment solutions to telecom operators commonly in the Middle East, such as direct carrier billing, e-wallets, and local debit cards. The TIMWE configuration file contains the settings for each operator, such as Ooredoo, DU, and Bahrain Telco. To learn more about the integration, you can open a support ticket and someone from our team will assist you.

Vizio for ViewLift

To enable the in-app payment option for VIZIO platform, please input the following information in the VIZIO section: 

You must have an account in the Vizio Developer Portal to fetch these values and add them to the Vizio section in AppCMS. See the screenshot presented below to find the XTYK key. If you need an account to access your Developer Dashboard, please contact us. 

Subscribe API

After the Vizio app receives a "Success" response as described in this Vizio documentation, we need the app to call the ViewLift Subscribe API. However, Vizio delivers communication through webhook notifications before saving the data in the ViewLift database.

Another endpoint that is needed for the app to validate the signature ( is provided by the BE API. The plans for Vizio need to be created on the Vizio portal (before those plans need to be created on the ViewLift side). Make sure the name of the plan and the plan identifier are the same as the Vizio plan in ViewLift Tools.

The procedure to create plans on Vizio is available in this Vizio documentation.

Subscription Overlay Content

In the Subscription Overlay Content for Video/Audio, input a text prompt to register or subscribe after the free preview ends. Also, enter text for Subscribe and Login CTA buttons. (optional) Provide the subscription button URL.

Tax Provider: Avalara

ViewLift supports Avalara for tax handling. Avalara is a cloud-based tax calculation software that provides the capability to automatically calculate taxes and other transactional tax compliance solutions. ViewLift records tax for all payments made through your payment gateways using our backend. We will need keys to test transactions with your Avalara keys on the backend and in the staging site, before enabling them in the production environment. 

Enter your Avalara Account Name, Account Number, License Key, and the web URL of Avalara.

Dunning / Retry Config

If a recurring user's card fails to process payment within the monthly/annual renewal due, ViewLift can either retry later (this is what we call dunning) or suspend the subscription. If dunning is not enabled, the user is immediately Suspended and loses access to the content. In case dunning is enabled, we will attempt to process the payment again and will send an email to the user indicating we failed to process the payment so they can update the card information. For more information, read this ViewLift article

You can retry payment twice. To do that, enable the toggle button on First Charge Retry, scroll down and then enable Renewal Retry. Fill in the following fields: 

Retry All Codes: Toggle this on to allow us to retry all decline codes.

Max Allowed Retries: If it is set as 3 then the subscription will be suspended after retrying the payment for 3 times

RETRY TYPE: Please keep it as 'DAY'. Frequencies of Retry Type are HOUR, DAY, WEEK, and MONTH.

Decline Codes: We will only retry if the payment fails and the payment provider API (in this example, Paygate) returns one of the following codes in the response: 900003,900005,900007,900210

RETRY INTERVAL: It has to be a numeric value. If the Retry type is Day and retry Interval is set as 3,7 then the system will retry the payment after 3 days of failed charge. If that payment also fails, then subsequent retry is after 7 days.

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