Set up Google Tag Manager on your website and apps
  • 15 Mar 2024
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Set up Google Tag Manager on your website and apps

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Article summary

Introduction to GTM

Your GTM container serves as a central hub for managing various tracking tags without directly modifying the website and apps code.  This article outlines an overview of GTM and its components and how to use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to trigger page view and conversion analytics.

GTM Components

GTM is a tag management tool and also a single central interface to configure many other tracking Tags like GA4, Facebook Pixel and CleverTap Tags.

Google Tag Manager uses these concepts to handle how tags are configured and fired: Trigger, Tag, Variable, Data Layer

Trigger  GTM uses "triggers" to define when an event should be tracked. These triggers can be based on user actions (e.g., clicking a button) or page visits. Make sure triggers are properly configured and tested to track the events accurately.

Tag When a trigger fires (due to a user action), GTM sends information about the event through "tags" to analytics platforms like Google Analytics 4.

Variable is a named placeholder for a value that will change, such as a product name, a price value, or a date.

Data Layer in Tag manager implements a data layer to temporarily hold values in the client so that they can be used by tags, triggers, and variables.

Aside from the default tags in GTM's code library, you can create custom tags to serve specific use cases. 

Add your GTM tracking ID in Tools CMS


  • Your GTM container is created.  


  1. Now, you simply have to add the Container ID in AppCMS. 
  2. In Tools platform, go to AppCMS > Settings > Analytics.
  3. You will see the Google Tag Manager Tracking ID section on top. Paste your Container ID, and click Publish the page. 


Add GTM into the pages you want, like, your Home Page, and we will publish them. 

iOS and Android triggers
Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 1.40.27 PM.png

GTM Variables
Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 1.40.01 PM.png

Creating custom event tags

On Web and mWeb

With GTM, you must first create a trigger that will fire tags when something happens on your website or app like a user clicking a button or watching a video. This user interaction is called an event. And when that event happens, it sends info through the tag. GTM analytics engine is event-driven, meaning every time a user performs an action within a page on your website, an event is generated to capture it. 

The following actions trigger an event in the ViewLift Platform code base. 

Recommended: All these user events funnel can now be tracked directly from your GA4 properties.

Event nameDescriptionSetup statusAssociated Tags
soft_wall_shownUser clicks a video but must log in/sign upSet up-
subscribe_cta_click User clicks the Subscribe CTANA-
avod_finish_signinUser signs in to the site/appSet upUser Sign In goal in analytics
avod_finish_registrationUser completes sign upSet up-
view_plansUser clicks on the View Plans page. NA-
select_planUser selects any of the plans.NA-
finish_registrationUser completes registrationNA-
finish_subscriptionUser completes subscriptionNA-
stream_startUser clicks a video and it starts playingNA-
tvod_purchase_checkout_step_1User completes the first checkout stepNA-
tvod_purchase_checkout_step_2User completes the second checkout stepNA-
tvod_purchase_checkout_step_3User completes the third checkout stepNA-
tvod_purchase_completionUser completes payment and lands on the Thank You pageNA-
Ecommerce Purchase EventUser completes payment and lands on the Thank You page with transaction detailsNAName, EmailId, userid, transactionId, subscriptionPlan, subscriptionStartDate, subscriptionEndDate, transactionAmount, paymentHandler, subscribed_via_platform, subscribed_from_country, localCurrency
TrackAdwordsEventFired on the Thank You page for successfully subscribed usersNAName, EmailId, userId, localCurrency, plan_price, transactionId
AdsRemarketingEvent  Fired on each page view  NA source, pageName, Login-Signup
WebConfigurationEvent or GoogleAnalyticsAppWebFired on each page view    NA
 source, pageName

Creating a new GTM Trigger  

You can set up your trigger configuration and events in GTM. If you need assistance, please contact your Customer Success Manager to explore or simply reach out to our Support team.


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