Geo-Targeted Version of a Modular Page Creation
  • 11 Mar 2024
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Geo-Targeted Version of a Modular Page Creation

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Article summary

Want to tailor your Homepage for specific regions? For example, a U.S. Homepage? 

Learn how to create a geo-targeted modular page. Subsequently, your primary Homepage will serve as the default for the Rest of the World (ROW). 


From AppCMS > Template Builder, navigate under PAGES, click and expand MODULAR PAGES. Then, select the page you wish to make a geo-targeted version of.

Now on the top horizontal menu, left-click on SETTINGS:


Under the Page Details section, click on the CREATE GEO-TARGETED VERSION key:


Click inside the Target Countries drop-down and select all the countries you want to include.
The best practice is not to add more than five or six countries on any given geo-targeted page. The video licenses when set up properly do the work with what surfaces, based on the end user's IP address and geo location.


Before saving the page, you can X-out to remove and add. These cannot be edited once you have created the page, so make sure of your selections at this step:


There are no other fields to edit, so leave Page Name and Page Type as those are auto-generated settings.

The last step is to click the CREATE key.


Publishing Order

Make sure to also publish the original page after publishing the geo-targeted version. This is because the parent page contains the mapping and it doesn't get propagated till the time you publish it. Alternatively, click on 'Publish All', it will also publish the parent page if you don't want to do it one by one.

No Country Code Needed: Users don't have to add a country code (like "/us" or "/de") to the end of the URL when accessing a geo-targeted page. The system will automatically detect the user location and display the appropriate geo-targeted version of the page.

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