Event Bulk Upload : XML (Venue Template Only)
  • 17 Nov 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Event Bulk Upload : XML (Venue Template Only)

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Article summary

Event Bulk Upload : XML

Below is the URL of sample XML file:

externalID - Should be unique for each event (Will be used to determine if event is already imported before)
title - Unique value
Details (Body Copy Field on Tools) - Data should be inside <![CDATA[ your-content-here ]] block because it’s an HTML data.
type (EventType): Value should already exist on PP (Games,Music,Family,Eat/Drink,Stage/Screen,Sports,Lifestyle,Other,Comedy)
onSale: Value should be either true or false (Default is false)
privateEvent: Value should be either true or false (Default is false. It means event is not private)
dataProvider: Value should already exist on PP
categories: Value should already exist on PP. First category will be used as Primary Category
tags: Value should already exist on PP
thumbnail: Public accessible image URL. This will be mapped to 16x9 image.
doorTime: Should be 12 hour format
eventTime: Should be in 12 hour format
eventDate: Should be in MM/DD/YYYY format
eventTimeZone: Should be in string format. Default is “US/Eastern”
showTime : Should be true or false (Default is false)
venue: Value should already exist on PP

All the events will be created in “closed” status.
Any external URL should be absolute URL except the permalink.
XML file should always start with .Nothing should be there before that.

How To Upload Bulk Events in Partner Portal

Click on ‘Event’ Tab -> ‘Add New’.
Click on ‘Bulk Upload Event’ on the overlay. A screen with ‘Browse’ button would be shown.

  1. Click on ‘Browse’ to upload a new xml file containing the list of events and then click on ‘Upload’.

  2. Once the upload is successful and the file format is validated, a message showing the number of events in the file eligible for upload would be shown.

  3. As and when the events are created, they will be shown under the ‘Event’ tab on manual refresh.


In case of wrong format file upload, on clicking ‘Upload’, below screen will be shown.

  1. In case no file is selected, on clicking ‘Upload’, below screen will be shown.

  2. In case of error in the file format, on clicking ‘Upload’, below screen will be shown.

  3. In case the file format is correct, but either the external ids are duplicate or there is some other error in the event related information, on clicking ‘Upload’, below screen will be shown.

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