Editing Trays/Modules
  • 01 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Editing Trays/Modules

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Article summary

  1. Within Template Builder > Pages, click on Modular Pages and select one of the pages available. In this case we access Home Page.

access blocks1

  1. Once on the Home Page, hover over the Tray module to be edited and click on the Settings Icon (cogwheel) that appears on the top right. This will open up a side vertical settings menu.


  1. Here you'll find options related specifically to this kind of module. There are three main sections to focus on: Title, Content Settings and Layout Settings.



  • Title - add a name to the Tray

Content Settings

  • Content Selection - you have the option to Programmatically Generate content, which automatically displays content based on its parameters selected in settings options in this module. Manually Curate allows users to select the items to be displayed in the module. You can choose content types and search for specific items to add them to the carousel.

  • Content Type- multiple selections for as many content types that have been uploaded to the platform. For example, content types could be audio, movies, series, playlist, articles, and other content types.

  • Fetch Strategy - retrieve and display content by Title (A-Z) or by Recently Added (Date).

    If the Recommendation feature doesn't seem to work and shows random titles on the "Video Page" and the "Show Page" Template pages, then make sure you're adding a Category or a Tag for the trays to show only the relevant content.
  • Categories - multiple selections for as many category types that have been entered in the platform. For example, category types include animation, comedy, documentary, sports, thriller, and other category types.

  • Tags - multiple selections for as many tag types that have been entered in the platform. Tags are added at the content level

  • Live Videos Only- restricts content on the module to only show live videos

  • VOD Only- restricts content on the module to only show VOD videos

  • Limit - enter a number to set the maximum amount of videos to be displayed in the module at one time. There is no limit, but best practices for the platform would be to keep the limit 10-12 items per tray.


Layout Settings

  • Thumbnail Type - options to select a wide (Landscape) or poster (Portrait) thumbnail. These images are added and managed at the asset level.

  • Expand Info On Hover - turn on the toggle to display the title and description when hovered over a tile on the module. 

  • Continuous Loop - makes the carousel scroll back to the first item on the list after reaching the end of the list, creating a scrolling loop. Looping creates an automatic slideshow through a series of content, built with transformations and continuum patterns.

  • Preview on Hover (Web Only) - adds a preview feature to display a small preview of the video trailer on hover. The feature toggle is available on all Tray and Carousel modules. The preview experience stops when the user moves the cursor away from the video thumbnail.

  • Number of Display Items - enter a number to set the maximum amount of videos to be displayed in the module at one time for each device like Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, OTT (TV). The maximum setting allowed is 25.

  • See All - If you wish to have a Category Tray (programmatic video tray, driven 1:1 by a single category) push out to a programmatic rendering of all video titles in the library which are associated with said category, you can leverage the See All functionality.

  • See All Permalink - the secondary piece to the SEE ALL functionality is to set the permalink in the See All Permalink field.

The logic for how category permalinks are generated is as follows:

  • Non-Alpha numeric characters are replaced with spaces
  • Spaces are replaced with "-" (dash)


Jump category would render as /category/jump
Test Video category would render as /category/test-video
Family & Drama category or any cases of two words with an ampersand and spaces would render as /category/family---drama

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