Editing Mastheads
  • 08 Mar 2024
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Editing Mastheads

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Article summary

  1. Within Template Builder > Pages, click on Modular Pages and select one of the pages available. In this case, we will access Home Page.
  1. Once on the Home Page, hover over the Masthead module to be edited and click on the Settings Icon (cogwheel) that appears on the top right. This will open up a side menu.
  1. Here you'll find options specifically to control the appearance of the Masthead module: 
Screen elementToggle on...
Stick to Top 

To stick the header navigation on top permanently.

Collapse Masthead
To override a solid header in the background. Remember to apply this setting on all MastHead modules on all required pages.
Collapse Masthead
Hide BannerTo hide the banner when scrolling down.
Link Alignment
To align the top navigation to the left or center.
Hide logo in mobile web
To hide the brand logo in m-web.

To create Site Navigation text and sub-navigation, refer Global Settings.


Masthead- Basic Masthead with all Primary Navigation and Search icon. Clicking on Search icon opens a modal.
Network Masthead- Masthead with Company logo in between and navigation items on both sides of logo.
Filters Masthead - Masthead with Filter item in it, clicking on which opens a side menu from right.

FAQs - Mastheads

Q. Where can I edit the SUBSCRIBE NOW text?

The CTA on the Masthead should be edited from two locations: 1) from the Masthead hamburger icon, locate the Subscribe CTA field. 2) Also update the text in Template Builder > Global Settings > Generic Messages > Subscription Messages: 

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