Creating Permalink Aliases on Modular Pages
  • 11 Mar 2024
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Creating Permalink Aliases on Modular Pages

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Article summary

Manage Modular Pages permalinks.

Deleting unused Modular Pages

  1. If you have a Modular Page you no longer need, you can simply delete it.
  2. You may choose to add the permalink of the deleted page to redirect it to your Homepage for a smoother user experience. (Instructions for adding multiple permalinks are provided below.)

Adding Permalinks to Modular Pages

Requirement: Every new Modular Page must have at least one permalink before it can be published.

Adding Additional Permalinks: You can also add more permalink aliases (additional ways to access the page) at any time.

Here's how to add a new permalink alias:

  1. In the Home Page Modular Page (or any other Modular Page), click the SETTINGS tab on top.

  2. In the Paths field, click the + Add key.
  3. In the new field, enter your desired permalink alias.

  4. To add a secondary page path, click the Add key again, and repeat steps 2 and 3.

  5. The page path should follow this convention:
    - Start with a forward slash (/)
    - Use lowercase letters with dashes or underscores only (no spaces)
    - Avoid spaces before or after the path

  6. Once you've entered the alias, remember to Publish the page.


For content that has been permanently removed, you can use a 301 redirect to send users to the Homepage.

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