CleverTap events for Android
  • 31 Jul 2023
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CleverTap events for Android

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Article summary

CleverTap tracks the following user events and corresponding properties on Android.

S.No.Event NamePropertiesEvent is triggered when the user...
1Signed Up
  • registrationType
  • appVersion (Not Added)
  • platform (Not Added)
Registers with your app by email / Google/ Facebook / Apple on iOS app.
The option to log in with an email or mobile number is available as a native key.
  • seasonNumber
  • bitRate
  • actorName
  • contentDuration
  • contentGenre
  • episodeNumber
  • playSource    
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • showName    
  • bufferCount    
  • contentTitle
  • subtitles    
  • platform    
  • contentType   
  • watchedTime    
  • playbackType    
  • directorName    
  • Stream    
  • bufferTime
  • contentId
  • contentTitle

Watches content for at least 2 minutes. An event is triggered to update the stream time every 30 seconds.
3Page Viewed
  • platform
  • pageName
  • lastPageName
  • appVersion

 Opens a specific screen in the app.

4View Plans
  • platform
  • pageName
  • lastPageName
  • appVersion
Lands on the View Plans page.
  • registrationType    
  • appVersion
  • platform
Logs in to the app.
  • platform
Logs out of the app.
  • keyword
  • platform (not added)
Enters any keywords into the search bar.

Added to Watchlist

  • contentId    
  • contentDuration(Not for show)    
  • contentType    
  • platform    
  • playbackType(not for show)
  • contentGenre    
  • actorName    
  • directorName

Adds a video / program to their watchlist.

9Removed All From Watchlist
  • contentId    
  • contentDuration(Not for show)    
  • contentType    
  • platform    
  • playbackType(not for show)
  • contentGenre
  • actorName
  • directorName
Clears their Watchlist page.
10Play Started
  • seasonNumber
  • playSource
  • networkType
  • contentId
  • bitRate    
  • showName
  • bufferCount
  • contentTitle
  • actorName    
  • subtitles    
  • platform    
  • Rating (Not added)
  • contentDuration    
  • contentType
  • watchedTime    
  • contentGenre
  • playbackType
  • directorName    
  • freeOrPaid (not added)
  • episodeNumber    
  • Stream    
  • bufferTime    

Starts watching a specific content.

11Media Error
  • playErrorEventData
  • playErrorEventData
  • listeningTime (Not Added)        
  • seasonNumber
  • playSource
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • bitRate
  • showName
  • bufferCount
  • contentTitle
  • actorName
  • subtitles
  • platform    
  • contentDuration
  • contentType
  • watchedTime    
  • contentGenre
  • playbackType
  • directorName    
  • episodeNumber
  • Stream
  • bufferTime
This event logs error occurrences during runtime.
12Player BitRate changed
  • quality
  • watchSource
This event captures the stream quality and watch source (iOS here).


  • medium            
  • seasonNumber(video only)    
  • singerName(audio only)
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • bitRate    
  • showName(video only)        
  • contentTitle
  • actorName(video only)
  • musicDirectorName(audio only)
  • platform    
  • contentDuration
  • contentType        
  • contentGenre
  • playbackType
  • directorName(video only)    
  • episodeNumber(video only)
This event records the number of times a media was shared.
14Subscription Initiated
  • paymentPlan
  • country
  • discountAmount
  • platform
  • paymentHandler
  • currency
  • transactionAmount
Subscribes to a plan and the payment is processed, the subscription status is updated to "completed", and the subscription date starts.
15Download Initiated
  • seasonNumber(video only)    
  • singerName(audio only)    
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • bitRate    
  • showName(video only)       
  • contentTitle
  • actorName(video only)    
  • musicDirectorName(audio only)    
  • platform    
  • contentDuration    
  • contentType        
  • contentGenre    
  • playbackType    
  • directorName(video only)    
  • episodeNumber(video only) 

Starts downloading a content.
16Download Completed
  • seasonNumber(video only)    
  • singerName(audio only)    
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • bitRate    
  • showName(video only)        
  • contentTitle
  • actorName(video only)    
  • musicDirectorName(audio only)    
  • platform    
  • contentDuration    
  • contentType        
  • contentGenre    
  • playbackType    
  • directorName(video only)    
  • episodeNumber(video only)

Completes downloading a content.

17Download Bitrate Changed (Properties New)
  • platform
  • quality
Switches to a specific bitrate quality of a video.


  • seasonNumber        
  • networkType    
  • contentId
  • bitRate    
  • showName        
  • contentTitle
  • actorName    
  • castType    
  • platform    
  • contentDuration   
  • contentType        
  • contentGenre    
  • playbackType    
  • directorName    
  • episodeNumber

This event records the cast & crew information, season number, bitrate of the video streamed, and more as listed in the Properties column in left.
19Subscription Completed
  • paymentPlan
  • discountedAmount
  • country
  • planEndDate
  • platform
  • paymentHandler
  • currency
  • transactionAmount
  • transactionId
  • planStartDate
  • source
  • userId
This event is tracked when a user completes the subscription workflow.
20Subscription Plan Status Success
  • userId    
  • discountedAmount    
  • paymentHandler    
  • platform    
  • source
  • transactionAmount    
  • planType    
  • paymentplan    
  • transactionId    
  • country

This event records the userID, subscription plan, discounted amount, payment handler, and so on.


Watched (audio)

  • contentId    
  • playSource    
  • networkType
  • bitRate    
  • contentTitle    
  • bufferCount
  • musicDirectorName    
  • bufferTime    
  • platform
  • contentDuration    
  • contentType    
  • listenedTime
  • contentGenre    
  • playbackType    
  • singerName    
  • stream

This event stores audio-related information, captured every 30 seconds.


Play Started

  • contentId    
  • playSource
  • bitRate    
  • contentTitle
  • musicDirectorName    
  • platform
  • contentDuration    
  • contentType
  • contentGenre    
  • playbackType
  • singerName    
  • networkType

This event is used to monitor the duration an audio was played, and other details.

23Free Plan Email Captured
Logs the "Email required" prompt on contents associated with the Free Plan with Login required.


The CleverTap dashboard does not support viewing the following events as they are not integrated with the app's functionality. Instead, information regarding these events is collected and managed on the Tools' backend.

  • Subscription End New
  • Subscription Renewed Manually
  • Subscription Renewed Automatically
  • Subscription Suspended
  • Subscription Cancelled New

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