  • 06 Nov 2023
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Article summary

ViewLift enables your service to stay compliant with GDPR and other data protection laws. To comply with the laws, a Tools Admin may need to "Anonymize" a customer account permanently by hiding personal data such as the name and phone number upon a request from the user.

Data of the registered, but not subscribed users (i.e. status in Viewlift TOOLS with "No Plan") can be readily masked in the Viewlift system. Subscribed users and the users that are in the Deferred Cancellation state cannot be anonymized until that user account is fully cancelled. For this reason, in those cases, you will see this button is disabled. If you want to go ahead and cancel an active subscription, click the Deactivate button. This will auto-execute a prorated refund to the user. Skip the step if you don't want to process a prorated refund.

To anonymize a user:

  1. Log into your TOOLS account and navigate to the USER tab.
  2. Search for a user by their e-mail address, telephone number, last four digits of their credit card, receipt identifier, Payment Unique ID, or VL Transaction ID.
  3. Once you have the user page pulled up, you'll now see an ANONYMIZE key in the Account tab > Personal Info section:
  4. Click the ANONYMIZE key, and in the confirmation modal, add your comments (this is required), and click Yes > OK. The page redirects back to the initial Search page.
    For the end user, the account is deleted and the user is logged out from your apps.

  • Once the user has been anonymized, they can sign up again in the future with the same e-mail address as their original account.
  • Please also ensure to remove the PII of the anonymized users from your user engagement platforms such as Mailchimp.

FAQs - Anonymize

Q. What should I do if I accidentally deleted a user?

Once an account is deleted, the PII is removed from the ViewLift CMS database so you won't be able to find that user account using their Name, Phone, or Email. You can however retrieve if you know the user's GUID/URL for that user record on your database. Open a Support ticket if you need help to locate. Once located, you'll see the data hashed as shown in the image below.
You can then update the user's email address and phone number and reissue new login credentials.


  • Deleting anonymized users' billing and subscription records is a separate job. Deleting it can alter the Payment analytics for a given date range.

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