Generate video feeds for Airtel
  • 04 Sep 2023
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Generate video feeds for Airtel

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Article summary

Tools Platform will create an XML content feed as per Airtel format and specifications. There is a scheduled job that will run every 24 hours to update the feed automatically, or you can also manually update the feed from the Feeds page.

ViewLift supports two types of feeds in Airtel simultaneously: one is to generate and publish the standard live feed and the other is to create a delete feed that should skip certain content pages from the feed.

Generate a live feed

From the Admin page, click Feed Management > Add New Feed.

The following table describes the fields in the Add New Feed dialog. 

Screen elementsDescription
Enter NameName for the feed.
Enter DescriptionDescription of the feed to generate.
Feed TypeSelect Airtel Feed.
Convert to Delete FeedNot required for generating a live feed.
HLS Base URIViewLift will use this key to stream content to Airtel. 
Add the ViewLift Akamai token key that you have set up for Airtel. This field is optimized for Akamai only, other content delivery partners are currently not supported.
Language Tag Prefix

If the original content is in one language but the audio for that video is in a different language, use Language Tag Prefix and declare the media language by appending a language code such as bn (for Bengali), hin (Hindi), etc. to the prefix that you will create here. Examples, aitel_lan-bn, media-language-hin, media-language-kr. 

If you like to standardize your language code, follow the ISO code described here.

Media Skip TagApplicable for creating a delete feed, not required for generating a live feed.
File Replace TextAirtel mandates to hide special characters in a video permalink. Provide a text replacement to mask the filename that is otherwise seen in an HLS .m3u8 file URL.
Select Tags (Optional) Generate feed by tags.
Select Categories
(Optional) Generate feed by categories.

Click Submit. ViewLift will generate a video feed URL from the database in the web.xml file within 10-15 minutes.

Once generated, you can view this URL on a browser window. The XML file will list all videos with the specified tags and categories as presented in the example below: 

Generate a delete feed

If you have unpublished content from Tools or don’t want to stream specific content from your ViewLift CMS to Airtel, create a delete feed to hide them from the live media feed. The content is then moved to the delete feed XML doc and gets ignored in the Airtel database when running/updating a feed.

In Admin page

  1. In the Add New Feed dialog, select Convert to Delete Feed.
  2. In the Media Skip tag field, configure a delete tag. Examples are, airtel_skip, media_skip, skip_this. Do not add space in between, use an underscore instead. Then add this tag to any content, the Media skip tag hides that content from the standard live feed as explained above.
  3. (Optional) If you want to filter and remove all content of a specific category, then use the Tags and Categories fields.

In Video detail page in Content

Go to the video detail page of the content you want to skip in the live feed for reasons such as policy restrictions. In the Tag field on the content page, add the skip tag that you have declared on the Admin page, and publish the page.

Airtel has certain macros specifications for the live feed. In the Delete feed, no metadata except the contentId and contentType are generated.

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