Create a Tools User Account
  • 03 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Create a Tools User Account

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Article summary

From the Admin section in the top-right corner of your Tools account, click Admin > User Administration. This section lists all users under a Tools project. Only Tools application administrators are able to view/access the Admin options.

How to create a user account

  1. To add a new user and assign them permissions, go to the ADMIN page in the ViewLift Tools Platform. Click your company logo on the upper right corner of the Tools portal, and from the User Management section, click the +Add New User button.
  2. You can then select the appropriate permissions for each module (that is, Admin, Dashboard 360, Subscription & Offers, Content, AppCMS, APIs, Products, and Billing). 

    Permission to ViewLift Developer API
    You can create an account on the staging or production environments of the Tools application and allow only access to deploy APIs. This account will have access to the Management API, Export APIs, and all other APIs.

  3. To edit a user account, click the Edit icon under the Edit User column.

User account types

There are three types of user accounts in the ViewLift Tools Platform: Administrator, Approver, and Contributor. Each type of account has different permissions and privileges.


Administrators have the highest level of permissions in the ViewLift Tools Platform. They can manage other users on their account, create and edit content, and access all of the platform's features. Only Admin user accounts can view and edit the Admin section. 


Approvers are typically administrators themselves who are responsible for reviewing the work of contributors. They can approve or reject content changes, and they can also view analytics data.

Default permissions

By default, the user access level is set to None. This means that each user must be manually assigned permissions by an administrator.



To define a QA workflow for content ingested in Tools, you can assign a user account as a Contributor. When you assign a user the Contributor role, you will also assign an Approver against the Contributor who will be responsible for reviewing and approving the works of the user. This means that you can control the content lifecycle of content objects at every stage, such as creating, editing, publishing, and deleting an object. For example, you could assign a Contributor the ability to upload content and edit, but not publish it until it's approved by an Approver. However, we have now added additional flags to let contributors also publish and archive their objects. 

You may also restrict access to the Dashboard 360 module to view only limited reports such as Categories and Tags.

Content level permissions

Define how each Team in your League that uses Tools sees and manages their Content module. This is helpful if you have different content contributors for each team and you want to give them access to their own team's content, but not to other teams' content.

Contributor permission options

  • Contributor can see only their content - Users can ingest content and manage metadata for content objects that they have uploaded. 
  • Contributor can see their AND Root account content - Users will not be able to see or access content that has been uploaded by other teams.
  • Contributor can see ALL content - Users can see all contents ingested in ViewLift, including the other teams.
  • Contributors can see other contributors' content - Lets you choose which contributors can see each other's content. 
    Ideal for Leagues and Teams that want to keep their content separate! For instance, you may want to allow access to a Team to their League's content alongside their own and also be able to restrict access to other Teams' space. In such a case, simply add the contributor account email (, in this example) that you want to allow access to the Contributors Allow List. This would allow that Team access to the content uploaded by the League team and theirs while being restricted from viewing other Teams' content. Note that the League's account has to be a Contributor account in this option.

Publish/Unpublish Access - Select to allow a contributor to publish/unpublish content objects.

Archive Access - Select to allow to archive (delete) contents.

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