Adding Company Information
  • 10 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding Company Information

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Article summary

Let's set up your business on our Partner Portal! 

Start by inputting basic information about your company. 

  1. From the AppCMS module, click SERVICE on the left rail. 
  2. Once you've updated the page, click SAVE to publish.
Company Name The complete legal name of your company.
Service NameThe complete legal name of your service.
Service Type(Single selection) Specify your default service type. This information is required for payment provider and subscription model setup.
Monetization TypeIn addition to your primary service type, incorporate additional models, such as TVOD, to complement your primary SVOD service.
HardwallEnforce users to log in or subscribe (for SVOD service) or register (AVOD) when clicking on any content.
Domain NameName of your website.

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